What can I expect at ACTIV8?
Below is a taste of just some of the topics that we cover at the ACTIV8 Pro-Life Training Week. Along with these, we also hear powerful testimonies from people engaged at the coalface on these issues, take time each day for silent personal reflection, gather in small groups to discuss what we are learning, watch and discuss films that artistically grapple with pro-life issues in profoundly deep and important ways, AND LOTS MORE!

Self-giving love and authentic activism
Ideological architects who shaped our culture
Understanding the modern secular mind
Why authentic community matters
The history and beliefs of the eugenics movement
Politics and pro-life ethics
Ethics & Philosophy
The pro-life case against abortion
The flaws in pro-abortion ideology
The history of pro-life ethics
The harms of legalised euthanasia
Abortion, euthanasia, and disability
Embryology and the biological truth of life in the womb
Understanding natural law
Practical Skills
How to care for people in a crisis pregnancy
How to care for people with post-abortion grief
The essentials skills of effective leadership
Principles of change and the pro-life movement
Understanding media bias
Human fertility and contraception
Effective use of social media
How to have fruitful dialogue about contentious issues